Wednesday, April 10, 2013

P&G Coupon Insert Winner & Places to Find Extra Coupons!

Thanks to all that left insight on where to find more coupon inserts!

  • Coupon bins in local libraries Dan D.
  • The floor of some stores (probably mine, I dropped it!) Frugalista Mama
  • Family & Friends (another great source for me!) Amy usually gets 4 extra of each insert. Or Check trash cans (or get your kids to do it!) and shopping carts especially @  Price Chopper for the iSave coupons.  Guilty as charged, I snag these all the time too as they are a great source of extra manufacturer's coupons.  Amy
  • The dentist's office!  I love these coupons as they usually have Qs w/long expiration dates and they're great for my profitable Rite Aid runs or A condo complex.  Put a box in the recycling room with a sign asking for unused coupons.  It just may work. csnuggle21
  • Shaw's - Look for coupon insert bins where you find the Sunday papers CMeisen
  • The Airport Lounge - Ilyssa found 4 full sets of coupon inserts in the Delta Sky Club Lounge.
  • Dunkin Donuts - Sabine's shop leaves newspapers for people to read and allows her to take the coupons.
  • Hotels or apartment complexes where tenants/guests throw out their magazines, newspapers, etc.   Yahaira's boyfriend (a Porter) sifts through them and pulls the coupons.
  • Coupon swap group We'd love to find out more Kathy!  Please share.  Kathy F.
  • Community Newspaper recycling bin  Anna
  • Panera Bread  Stephanie

Thanks to all that entered.  I used to pick the winner.

Frugalista Mama

Congratulations!   Please email me @sdolan65 atnetscape. net(no spaces) with your full name and address so I can mail out your inserts!


  1. Also on the floor in the corner of the beer aisle at the local grocery store.

  2. My local laundromat has a wicker basket on the counter with piles and piles of coupons cut from the Sunday paper.

  3. I love the diner down the road. Every Sunday morning there is a pile of newspapers and I hit them up for a $2.99 breakfast and coupons.


Find a sweet steal or centsible deal? Please share!